"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" ~ Joshua 24:15

Monday, May 17, 2010

rain rain go away....

well today it rained on and off all day until about 5pm. we stayed inside and hung out until it was nice enough to get outside. We rounded up some of the neighbor kids and had a water balloon fight. Water balloons go fast with kids. They were gone so fast I couldn't take any pics! Russ went up to one of the bedrooms with his own stash of balloons and started throwing them at the kids! they loved it, they begged him to throw buckets of water on them. They had such an awesome time and we did too. Got our mind off things and helped us enjoy time that we have together.

Russ had another interview today. They said that they would let him know in about 2 weeks. They always say that and then don't call back. Overall Russ thought that the interview went well. We will see if they call. We have to remember that the Lord will give us a job in His timing, not in ours. We are still doing alright financially, after all we "planned" for this. Its just getting hard to be home, we are running out of things to do. Overall its been really good spending time together and witnessing to the neighbors.

I had been praying for a few weeks about some sort of outreach to the community and the church we are attending said that they would give us the funds to do a backyard bible club once a week. We will be starting June 10th and going for 10 weeks. We will be teaching the kids in the community about the Lord. We are going to have some crafts and snacks. Its going to be awesome! I am so excited to see what the Lord will do here. Thanks to all that were praying for us. Please continue to be in prayer about the job situation. There is not one doubt in our minds that this is the place for us.

Here are a few pics from today. Thanks MOM for the water balloons! They were a huge hit!

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About Me

Well this is my blog as life as a singe mom of three boys used to be housewife but currently a nanny to 6! Mostly crazy but always wonderful, making mistakes but walking in faith every day.